Today was supposed to be another warmer than usual day, so we picked more trails to knock out from the Fawn Lake area of DuPont. Again we began the hike on Fawn Lake Rd, but this time we took the Mine Mountain Trail which is about 1/4 mile up on the left. The trail begins by heading up, but this is the hardest part of this trail - and it's not that bad. Once you reach the big tank about 1/2 mile into the hike, the rest of the 1.4 mile trail is a steady downhill. Here are some shots from the trail.
view of Fawn Lake from the trail |
Cindy shooting Fawn Lake from the trail |
looking up from the trail |
This is one of the nicer trails I've been on in DuPont, mainly because it's a single lane trail through the woods instead of along a gravel road. On trails like this in DuPont, you really have to keep an eye and ear out for mountain bikes. They are supposed to yield to hikers, but it's a lot easier to just step out of their way. Most are nice and look out for hikers, but we've run across a couple so far that would have run us over if we hadn't gotten out of the way. The Mine Mountain Trail begins in really open woods - hardwoods mainly - then transitions into a younger mixed hardwood forest with mountain laurel, rhododendron, and other understory. The trail comes back out on Fawn Lake Rd a short distance from Conservation Rd.
We headed towards Conservation Rd, but this time when we got to the intersection with the Airstrip Trail, we took it. You can't miss it because it follows the old paved airstrip towards a pretty good view.
view from the end of the airstrip |
view looking back down the airstrip |
Just before the airstrip ends, the trail turns off to the left and heads into the woods. It meanders down the mountain and meets the Shelter Rock Trail 1 mile from it's beginning back at Conservation Rd. The next trail we wanted to complete was the Barn Trail. It turns left a short distance down the Shelter Rock Trail. The Barn Trail isn't very exciting at all. It's about 1/2 mile in length and passes by the barn you see on Bridal Veil Falls Rd before ending on Conservation Rd. From here, we took Conservation Rd back to the vehicle and called it a day.
the barn on the Barn Trail |
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